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Rembetika Concert

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Author Profile: Labrini Gioti
This Outreach member has published 8 articles.


Rembetika concert, performed at the Blue Lamp in Aberdeen, organised by the Hellenic Scottish Society, in April 2014. Filmed by Athanasios Barmpalexis. Many thanks to the musicians, film-maker and The Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen

Vocals:Labrini Gioti
Bouzouki/Vocals:George Tsimbouksis
Guitar/Vocals: Nikos Sariyiannis

1) 1:00 Taximi (an improvisation of the bouzouki player based on the modes that will appear in the tune that will follow) and the tune called Minore tou Teke (takes is the place that people used to smoke hash and minore is the minor scale) Μινόρε του Τεκέ 1932 by John Halkias or Jack Gregory recorded in the US

2) 7:32 Se ksehasa de se pono/Ι forgot about you and I'm not sorry for you(Σε ξέχασα δε σε πονώ) 1938 lyrics and music by Kostas Skarvelis

3) 10:53 Giati na me gelasis / Why did you fool me? (Γιατί να με γελάσεις) 1935 lyrics and music by Kostas Scarvelis

4) 15:00 Ble parathira/The blues windows (Μπλε Παράθυρα) 1938 lyrics and music by Markos Vamvakaris

For more information on these performers, please visit:

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Guest Sunday, 16 February 2025