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Explore The Peter Kennedy Archive

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Author Profile: Patrick Egan
This Outreach member has published 17 articles.
Outreach is delighted to announce that yet another online resource of fieldwork material has been published. Located at www.peterkennedyarchive.org, this website will be of considerable interest for researchers on Outreach and indeed any scholar researching the traditional music and song of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Subtitled, "A unique...
Author Profile: Patrick Egan
This Outreach member has published 17 articles.
Saturday 30 April 2016 (10.15 – 4.30)Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 2HUHow is violence in contemporary Mexico impacting on music-making and other forms creative engagement, and conversely? What are the methodological challenges of exploring this empirically? The workshop will bring together established academics, post-doctoral scholar...
Author Profile: Gemma Farrell
This Outreach member has published 0 articles.
The first Musedelica symposium will be held June 14-15th, 2016 at the Sussex Humanities Lab, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. The symposium will bring together students, early career researchers, independent researchers and music producers from the field of psychedelic music and related areas. The symposium focusses on psychedelic music, es...

Chalk: time, sense and landscape

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Author Profile: Sebastiane Hegarty
This Outreach member has published 0 articles.
Chalk: time, sense and landscape An interdisciplinary symposium, a day of sound,geology, film, archaeology, architecture, literature, music and rainfall with Paul Whitty, Guy Sherwin, John Levack Drever, Michael Welland, Nick Thorpe, Karen Fielder, Ian Rawes, Sally Ann McIntyre and Sebastiane Hegarty. 17 October Winchester Discovery Centre. Info: www.10dayswinchester.org / blog: timesenselandscape.com
Tickets now available - An interdisciplinary symposium, a day of sound,geology, film, archaeology, architecture, literature, music and rainfall with Paul Whitty, Guy Sherwin, John Levack Drever, Michael Welland, Nick Thorpe, Karen Fielder, Ian Rawes, Sally Ann McIntyreand Sebastiane Hegarty. 17 October Winchester Discovery Cen...
Author Profile: Paddy Mulcahy
This Outreach member has published 1 articles.
South American musician returns to his Irish roots to merge Latin America with Ireland. January ’12: Clare native musicians, Paddy Mulcahy and Tessa O’Connor  led a tour of South American and traditional Irish music entitled “Los Paddy de las Pampas” around South America. While there, the “Los Paddy"  tour brought them through Argentina,...

Music Endangerment

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Author Profile: Patrick Egan
This Outreach member has published 17 articles.
You might remember that last year a number of us on Outreach filled in a survey about the levels of vitality of a music genre, as part of a post-doctoral research project by Dr Catherine Grant. Dr Grant has shared with us the fruits of this work with a project website entitled "Music Vitality and Endangerment", that is now live at www.musicendange...

O'Neill Henebry Wax Cylinders Online!

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Author Profile: Patrick Egan
This Outreach member has published 17 articles.
The O'Neill/Henebry wax cylinders are digitised, and they are online!  Launched this week at the Boole Library, UCC, the Henebry/O'Neill wax cylinder collection has been digitised and transferred to the digital format. I was present to help out with the display on bigscreen TV and walk through of the material, which I have to say is presented...

Invitación Ponencia Rondador y Dulzainas

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Author Profile: Jhony Garcia
This Outreach member has published 0 articles.
Queridos amigos, les invito a la ponencia que se realizará el día 23 de Noviembre del 2014 en el Auditorio del Museo Nacional en la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, a las 15:00h.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdek55M3RBU&feature=youtu.beDear friends, I would like to ask you to the Rapporteur that it will be held on 23 November of 2014 i...

Outreach Ethnomusicology on Soundcloud

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Author Profile: Patrick Egan
This Outreach member has published 17 articles.
 We are very pleased to present some of the first audio recordings from our new account on Soundcloud. To start off the collection, we present some archive material of a performance by an Outreach member, Labrini Gioti. Labrini graduated from the University of Limerick, Ireland with an MA in ethnomusicology, and has contributed some ...